Monday, August 17, 2015

The First Day Of First!

We did it! We all survived and enjoyed the first day of first grade! What a great time we had building community while having fun. We played "Get to Know You" games, read books, enjoyed Jitter Juice, made a Community Web and created a list of Classroom Rules. I even revealed some secret "Mrs. Mac" Numbers to my sweeties! (Notice: I don't have 80 pairs of shoes, just 80 shoes!) Please take a minute to look at some of our pictures posted below.

That's a lot of numbers!
Our classroom pet, a chinchilla named Oliver Button.
We created a "Community Web" out of a ball of yarn in order to demonstrate how we are all connected and have to cooperate and collaborate as a team!

We read this funny book about a teacher who has the first day jitters, and then we enjoyed
"Jitter Juice" to chase away our own butterflies.
Next, we graphed our own first day feelings on a chart:

What a fantastic first day! Can't wait to see these baby chicks again tomorrow!


  1. So glad to see that you all had such a great first day!

  2. Thank you for building a love for school in Kendall!

  3. Bella had a great first week of school! Thanks for loving on these kids!
