Sunday, August 17, 2014

School Starts Tomorrow!

Excitement! Tomorrow is the first day of first grade for a whole bunch of curious, friendly students. We'll get started bright and early in the morning, so everyone be sure to get a good night's sleep!

Here are just a few reminders, helpful hints, etc. to help you get ready for our first grade adventure:

  • Remember to bring a small, healthy snack and a water bottle.
  • All students will go directly to their classrooms on Monday and Tuesday mornings.
  • Traffic will be more convoluted than a pirate's treasure map, so plan to leave you house sooner rather than later.
  • Please send a note of your child's afternoon transportation will be different from what you told me at "Meet the Teacher."
  • I will put together my students' binders tomorrow afternoon, after school. Those should come home on Tuesday. The binder is important! It comes home everyday and is returned to school the next day.
Finally, here is our activity schedule for this year:

Monday = Library or Guidance
Tuesday = Computer Lab
Wednesday = Art
Thursday = Music
Friday = PE  **Students must wear tennis shoes on Fridays.

See you all tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the name of your blog! It is very "unique." (We've been practicing your new vocabulary word of the week!)Hope y'all had a fun day of learning! :)
