Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Water, Water Everywhere, and Not A Drop To Drink ...OR IS THERE?

Congratulations to my inquisitive and hardworking first graders! We completed our unit on water by creating a non-fiction magazine about water. If you remember, our Driving Question was:

If water covers most of the Earth's surface, why is only a small portion used for drinking?

Through 5 weeks of wondering, exploring and researching, we discovered that clean drinking water is a scarcity in many places around the world. My class chose to focus on the country of Kenya, and what we discovered was mind-boggling! Here are some of the facts we uncovered:

Facts About Water In Kenya
        - More than 4500 children die everyday because of the scarcity of safe drinking water.
        - Some women and children in Kenya spend spend as much 6 hours a day collecting water!   
          Therefore, many children do not have a chance to attend school.

        - 80% of sicknesses and diseases is caused by water filled with pollutants.
HOWEVER, after further research we found some really exciting, uplifting news!

        - In September 2013, an enormous aquifer was discovered 300 meters underground in Kenya.
          That's the length of three football fields! They have to dig wells to reach it.

        - This aquifer would be able to provide water for the country's 41 million people for the next 70
Here are links to some of the websites we used for research:
And, finally.... ta da! Here are our finished products!





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