Sunday, September 13, 2015

It's Starting To Feel Like Fall!

Wow! What a glorious weekend this has been, with lower temperatures and a pleasant breeze. I enjoyed a Saturday soccer game and even smelled burning leaves in my neighborhood yesterday!

Does anyone know where the place below is? I'd like to go there for a couple of days!

Last week was lots of fun and very busy, even though it was only a four day week! We went to our Wonder Room (science lab) on Wednesday to learn about scientists and what they do. The students had a bast and signed a Science Safety Contract. We are going to be using our 5 senses this week at school! On Friday we will experiment with different tastes!

 We also read with our fourth grade buddy readers on Thursday, and we had such a good time sharing our favorite books of the week!

This Tuesday you are invited to attend our PTA meeting and Open House at 6:30 pm. You will be invited to come into the classroom to see what your children have been up to!

 Also on Tuesday, our first graders are looking forward to sharing "goodies" with their grandparents for breakfast. Grandparents are invited to come between 7:00-7:30 am to enjoy a muffin, juice, coffee, and precious moments with their grandchildren! I am looking forward to it!

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