Sunday, September 27, 2015

Looking Back and Ahead

Happy Fall Y'all! It 's finally starting to feel a little cooler and the trees look a little more colorful. Stores are coming out with pumpkin spice latte flavored everything... from coffee to gum to marshmallows!

Last week at OES was fun-filled as usual. On Monday we dressed like pirates as a fun way to jump-start our week! Here are some scurvy dogs to admire:

On Wednesday, we went to the Wonder Room (our science lab) and conducted an experiment. We wanted to see what would happen if we mixed baking soda with vinegar. It was very bubbly!! We talked about safety and the scientific process.

On Thursday, I attended an educational consortium at Furman University. The speaker, Georgia Heard, addressed best practices when teaching non-fiction writing, and I came back to school Thursday afternoon with a lot of new ideas, Please be on the lookout for a letter coming home about WONDERful Wednesdays and non-fiction writing.

Finally. on Friday we had Spirit Day and all students got to wear their new OES t-shirts, donated by a local dentist. We all matched!

As we look forward to the week ahead, I wanted to share the following quote with you:

We encourage students to find wonder in all things, not just in the extraordinary but also in everyday objects and events. I invite my students to bring in an object from nature this Wednesday that we examine and write about, something that will pique the natural curiosity found in all children. One of our students brought in a cage with crickets a few weeks ago; my students could have watched and discussed those insects all day. Their conversations were inquisitive and observant, and such wonder fosters innovative thinking! I can't wait to see what they will bring to share. My goal is to encourage thoughtful, descriptive non-fiction writing!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Peek at Last Week

Wow! We had another busy week in Room 109 at OES! Goodies with Grandparents, PTA/Open House, Interim Reports, and more. 

Let's start with Monday: I introduced my firsties to what I call "The Most Magnificent Monday Morning Magic."  I started off by reading a book, The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires.

Here is a link to a short trailer that will explain more about the book:

After reading about a little girl who showed great perseverance (coincidentally, our vocabulary word for last week!), I challenged my students to do the same through a STEM activity: to build the tallest tower they could, using nothing but plastic cups. The students learned that first tries don't always work, and it's okay to start over with a different approach. They also learned how to work together and how to effectively communicate their ideas to their teammates. Here are some pictures:

Mt students will be presented every Monday morning with a new challenge! What a great way to start off the week!

Last Tuesday, we enjoyed Goodies with Grandparents, and it was a great turnout! Here are some children who love their grandparents!

 I tried to get a picture of all those who joined us for juice and muffins. Thanks for coming!

Also last week, my students worked in literacy stations, and it was a success! It's taken a few weeks of training, but they are finally ready to work independently.

Writing the Room with Special Glasses!

The A-B-C  F-U-N Station

Word Work

Writing Station - Sequencing story cards

Computer Station

Sunday, September 13, 2015

It's Starting To Feel Like Fall!

Wow! What a glorious weekend this has been, with lower temperatures and a pleasant breeze. I enjoyed a Saturday soccer game and even smelled burning leaves in my neighborhood yesterday!

Does anyone know where the place below is? I'd like to go there for a couple of days!

Last week was lots of fun and very busy, even though it was only a four day week! We went to our Wonder Room (science lab) on Wednesday to learn about scientists and what they do. The students had a bast and signed a Science Safety Contract. We are going to be using our 5 senses this week at school! On Friday we will experiment with different tastes!

 We also read with our fourth grade buddy readers on Thursday, and we had such a good time sharing our favorite books of the week!

This Tuesday you are invited to attend our PTA meeting and Open House at 6:30 pm. You will be invited to come into the classroom to see what your children have been up to!

 Also on Tuesday, our first graders are looking forward to sharing "goodies" with their grandparents for breakfast. Grandparents are invited to come between 7:00-7:30 am to enjoy a muffin, juice, coffee, and precious moments with their grandchildren! I am looking forward to it!